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75-Hr. Illinois Broker Real Estate License

75-Hr. Illinois Broker Real Estate License at The CE Shop

75-Hr. Illinois Broker Real Estate License

at The CE Shop

Chicago Catalog

This package is designed to provide you with the 75 hours of instruction required to be eligible for an Illinois broker license and includes courses to help you grow and build your business.  This program prepares you for the Illinois state licensing exam as well as provides the practical business knowledge and foundation necessary to be a successful real estate broker in Illinois. 

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$54.3k careers




1 Month
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Example Career

Real Estate Sales Agents

Rent, buy, or sell property for clients. Perform duties such as study property listings, interview prospective clients, accompany clients to property site, discuss conditions of sale, and draw up real estate contracts. Includes agents who represent buyer.

Business Management & Administration

Showing wage data for:





Hourly Wage








Compatible browsers:

  • Windows: include Internet Explorer 10 or newer, Google Chrome version 35 or newer, or Mozilla Firefox version 4.0 or newer
  • macOS: the current version of Safari, Firefox, or Chrome
  • iPad: use the current Safari browser
  • Android tablet: Google Chrome version 35 or newer (not necessarily the default browser) 
  • Windows tablet, Google Chrome 35 or newer, or Mozilla Firefox 4.0 or newer. We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience. It is always a good idea to update to the most recent version of your browser for an optimal experience.

Quick Facts

Type:  Short-term training 0-6 months

Format:  Online

Hours:  Flexible

Age:  18 and up