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Graphic Design Certificate

Graphic Design Certificate at Polk State College

Graphic Design Certificate

at Polk State College

Central Florida Catalog

The Graphic Design Certificate provides students with a strong foundation in digital media that empowers them to adapt and respond to changing trends in the design space. A certificate in Graphic Design may be completed in one or two semesters and is composed of five 3-credit hour courses.  

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4 Months
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Example Career

Graphic Designers

Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.


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Students who score below the required levels on state-mandated placement tests in writing, reading, and mathematics must enroll in and complete the appropriate college preparatory courses before they enroll in some required program courses.

Who do I Contact?

999 Ave. H NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881

Quick Facts

Location:  Winter Haven, FL

Type:  Short-term training 0-6 months

Format:  In-Person

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up