My Path




Computer Systems Administration Certificate Course

Computer Systems Administration Certificate Course at Pierce College

Computer Systems Administration Certificate Course

at Pierce College

Seattle Catalog

Created by Pierce faculty, this map outlines the initial coursework for this career field. It provides you with a clear path to complete your certificate by listing a specific set of courses relevant to your program and career. The map is designed with the appropriate number of credits and meets certificate requirements. Courses are organized in a recommended sequence; please schedule accordingly. If a course is unavailable, work with the CIS/CNE Navigator to select the appropriate replacement. For each course, a purpose statement explains how the content relates to your career field. On this map, there may be instances when you will be required to select a course from several options. Use these purpose statements and notes to choose the course that best aligns with your interests and needs. You will also find action items to complete to ensure you progress and graduate on time.  While this map is a great guide to courses required to complete the Computer Systems Administration Certificate, you are responsible for fulfilling all certificate requirements

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9 Months
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Example Career

Network and Computer Systems Administrators

Install, configure, and maintain an organization's local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), data communications network, operating systems, and physical and virtual servers. Perform system monitoring and verify the integrity and availability of hardware, network, and server resources and systems. Review system and application logs and verify completion of scheduled jobs, including system backups. Analyze network and server resource consumption and control user access. Install and upgrade software and maintain software licenses. May assist in network modeling, analysis, planning, and coordination between network and data communications hardware and software.


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Who do I Contact?

9401 Farwest Dr SW
Lakewood, WA 98498

Quick Facts

Location:  Lakewood, WA

Type:  Short-term training 7+ months

Format:  HybridWhite Background

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up