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Supply Chain Management – Certificate of Achievement

Supply Chain Management – Certificate of Achievement at Pasadena City College

Supply Chain Management – Certificate of Achievement

at Pasadena City College

Los Angeles Catalog

The Supply Chain Management program will examine the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the flow of materials and services from supplier to end users/customers. It will focus on coordinating supply management, operations, and integrated logistics into a seamless pipeline to maintain a continual flow of products and services. This program will also give students the opportunity to gain knowledge in the fields of accounting, business communications, marketing, and international business.

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$59.6k careers




4 Months
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Example Career

Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks

Coordinate and expedite the flow of work and materials within or between departments of an establishment according to production schedule. Duties include reviewing and distributing production, work, and shipment schedules; conferring with department supervisors to determine progress of work and completion dates; and compiling reports on progress of work, inventory levels, costs, and production problems.


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Who do I Contact?

1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106

Quick Facts

Location:  Pasadena, CA

Type:  Short-term training 0-6 months

Format:  In-Person

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up