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Medical Coding Certificate

Medical Coding Certificate at Montgomery College

Medical Coding Certificate

at Montgomery College

Baltimore Catalog

The medical coding certificate curriculum is designed to prepare students to function as medical coders, abstractors, and billers in health record services located in hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care facilities, insurance companies, and governmental agencies. The coder/abstractor/biller is trained in the following functions normally performed by a health record service: analyzing and technically evaluating health records and reports; compiling, interpreting, and utilizing hospital and health care statistics; coding symptoms, diseases, and operations according to recognized classification systems; and abstracting and retrieving medical information. Students will be introduced to specialty coding and electronic billing requirements in an outpatient setting. All students must complete HINM-designated courses within the three years prior to graduation. HINM-designated courses not meeting this time requirement must be retaken, or the student must test out the current course content.

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12 Months
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Example Career

Medical Records Specialists

Compile, process, and maintain medical records of hospital and clinic patients in a manner consistent with medical, administrative, ethical, legal, and regulatory requirements of the healthcare system. Classify medical and healthcare concepts, including diagnosis, procedures, medical services, and equipment, into the healthcare industry's numerical coding system. Includes medical coders.


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Who do I Contact?

51 Mannakee St
Rockville, MD 20850

Quick Facts

Location:  Rockville, MD

Type:  Short-term training 7+ months

Format:  Online In-Person

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up