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Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant at Lee College

Dental Assistant

at Lee College

Houston Catalog

The Den­tal As­sist­ant Pro­gram pre­pares stu­dents for en­try-lev­el posi­tions in one of the fast­est-grow­ing health­care posi­tions. The 232-hour pro­gram will cov­er key areas and top­ics, expos­ing the stu­dent to both class­room and hands-on in­struc­tion. The 100 hours of class­room instruc­tion reviews the neces­sary anat­omy, termin­ology, legal and ethi­cal is­sues as well as the poli­cy and guide­lines neces­sary to under­stand­ing the scope of prac­tice and the practi­cal as­pects of dental as­sist­ing. 

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5 Months
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Example Career

Dental Assistants

Perform limited clinical duties under the direction of a dentist. Clinical duties may include equipment preparation and sterilization, preparing patients for treatment, assisting the dentist during treatment, and providing patients with instructions for oral healthcare procedures. May perform administrative duties such as scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, billing, and coding information for insurance purposes.


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   Background check
   Drug testing
   High school diploma or equivalency
   Proof of identity (state ID or driver's license)

Admission Requirements ALL Health Requirements MUST be completed ONE WEEK BEFORE the start of class, including online background check, high school diploma or GED, copy of Social Security card, state-issued ID or TDL (Names MUST match), and all immunization requirements.

  • Online Background Investigation ($42), Drug Screen ($40), and Compliance Tracker ($30) must be paid for and started by the student at http:// The password for the Compliance Tracker is LC2022. The results take 48-72 hours.
  • High School Diploma or GED
  • Copy of Social Security card AND a State-Issued ID or TDL (Names MUST match)
  • Current BLS CPR (Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers from the American Heart Association)
  • It is required that students obtain and maintain personal health insurance while in the program. Acceptable personal health insurance must meet Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC).
  • All students are required to have the current immunizations listed below

Who do I Contact?

200 Lee Drive
Baytown, TX 77520

Quick Facts

Location:  Baytown, TX

Type:  Short-term training 0-6 months

Format:  In-Person

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up

Requirements:  Background check, Drug testing, High school diploma or equivalency, Proof of identity (state ID or driver's license)