My Path
Level I Practical Nursing (LPN) Certificate
Level I Practical Nursing (LPN) Certificate
at Jefferson College
St. Louis Catalog
The Bi-level Nursing Program admits all beginning nursing students to Level I/PN, with students progressing to Level II/RN after graduation from Level I/PN. This structure enables students to complete their education efficiently while ensuring they meet all necessary licensure requirements.
- Level I/PN [Certificate]
- Current Level I/PN students meeting progression requirements (i.e. maintain a cumulative 85% average in all Level I/PN courses, etc.) are automatically admitted to the Level II/RN program.
- Level II/RN [Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree]
- A limited number of already practicing LPNs are admitted to the Level II/RN program on a space-available basis only as Bridge students. Having two separate nursing programs means there will be differences in program requirements for both applicants & current students.
Leads to
Example Career
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses
Care for ill, injured, or convalescing patients or persons with disabilities in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, private homes, group homes, and similar institutions. May work under the supervision of a registered nurse. Licensing required.
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