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HVAC/R Mechanic

HVAC/R Mechanic at Daytona State College

HVAC/R Mechanic

at Daytona State College

Central Florida Catalog

The program provides a solid foundation in the principles of air conditioning and refrigeration. Instruction is given through classroom demonstrations and laboratory experiments in refrigeration fundamentals; electricity and controls; and installing, operating, servicing, and repairing air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. Students work on commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, including heat pumps, ice machines, and oil, and gas systems. Students will design, construct, and evaluate refrigeration systems. State-of-the-art, modern equipment with all of the commonly used refrigerants is available for students to gain "hands-on" experience. Students also receive related training in shop management and customer relations.   

Leads to

$57.3k careers




30 Weeks
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Example Career

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

Install or repair heating, central air conditioning, HVAC, or refrigeration systems, including oil burners, hot-air furnaces, and heating stoves.

Architecture & Construction

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   Physically able to operate heavy machinery
  • Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
  • Must be able to climb a 12-foot ladder.
  • Students who do not have a standard high school diploma/GED may be eligible for admission, on an alternative basis, to this program if they meet the following criteria:
  • Take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) which measures reading, English and math skills, and achieve specified minimum scores.
  • Meet with a counselor/advisor for placement test evaluation to receive advice on course selection and registration.
  • Students who do not have a standard high school diploma/GED cannot receive student financial aid.

Who do I Contact?

1211 W. International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

Quick Facts

Location:  Daytona Beach, Florida

Type:  Short-term training 7+ months

Format:  In-Person

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up

Requirements:  Physically able to operate heavy machinery