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Adobe InDesign Advanced Certificate

Adobe InDesign Advanced Certificate at Columbus State Community College

Adobe InDesign Advanced Certificate

at Columbus State Community College

Ohio Catalog

The Adobe InDesign Advanced Certificate is for students and working professionals who want to enhance their skill sets focused on industry standards for page layout, text formatting, and creating paragraph, character, object, and table styles. Software/Hardware Requirements: Students taking courses in this curriculum may need to own or have access to hardware or software to pursue this degree. This is particularly important for students who are enrolled in online/distance learning sections of a particular course. Check with the program advisor to discuss specific course needs and options. For more information, see

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$60.1k careers




4 Months
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Example Career

Graphic Designers

Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.


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Who do I Contact?

550 East Spring St.
Columbus, OH 43215

Quick Facts

Location:  Columbus, OH

Type:  Short-term training 0-6 months

Format:  Online

Hours:  Full-time

Age:  18 and up