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Medical Billing Specialist Certificate of Achievement
Medical Billing Specialist Certificate of Achievement
at Canada College
Bay Area Catalog
Associate of Science Degree with a major in Medical Billing Specialist; Certificate Program. Medical Billing Specialists usually perform their duties for all providers of health care services and equipment in hospitals, clinics, and private medical offices.
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Medical Records Specialists
Compile, process, and maintain medical records of hospital and clinic patients in a manner consistent with medical, administrative, ethical, legal, and regulatory requirements of the healthcare system. Classify medical and healthcare concepts, including diagnosis, procedures, medical services, and equipment, into the healthcare industry's numerical coding system. Includes medical coders.
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-Be a graduate of a high school. -Be a non-high school graduate, 16 or 17 years of age, who has in his/her possession at the time of registration one of the following: -Formal certificate from California State Office of Education which indicates the student has passed the High School Proficiency Examination. -G.E.D., California High School Equivalency Certificate, with an average of 450 or above on all tests and a score of at least 410 on each test. -TASC - Test Assessing Secondary Completion -A formal, written document from the student’s high school district indicating he/she is exempted from any further high school attendance. -Be 18 years of age or older and, in the opinion of the President of Cañada College, be capable of profiting from the instruction offered. -Be a high school student whose admission is recommended by his/her high school principal and approved by the Registrar at Cañada.